Individual Portraits and Mentor Group Photos
For the first time in some years all the boys in Years 7-12 will have an individual portrait photograph as well as their Mentor Group photograph taken. These are scheduled for Wednesday May 1 (Years 10-12) and Thursday May 2 (Years 7-9). Mentor Group photos are used to record your son’s Year and House each year in The Newingtonian.
We ask you to ensure your son is available at the time allocated for his photos on the day by avoiding out of school appointments. The timetable will be made available on SPACES during the school holidays. The boys will need to wear full blazer uniform.
A booklet of the individual, Mentor and collection of portraits from your son’s year group will be available for every family. The photographers will also provide up to date photo ID cards for every boy. We hope this will be a part of each year’s calebdar so that the College held photographs reflect a current image of every boy.