Leaders tomorrow: A review of our sound and fair model
One of the strengths of Newington College is the opportunity it offers Year 12 students to lead the school through the Prefect system or a designated House or School Leader system. Many schools select their prefects where only a few students have the opportunity to lead and experience real influence on younger students of the school.
Our Year 12s have the opportunity to be prefects and influence others should they wish to. Some volunteer for even more responsibility as House or Vice-House Captain. Applications are currently being processed for those students that have volunteered, and following a student and staff vote, these positions will be filled by the end of term. Recently, while speaking with Year 11, I encouraged the boys to have the courage to apply as some faced the fear of non-selection.
As a new senior member of staff, I conducted a review of student leadership in the school with staff and students and subsequently made only some minor adjustments to a very fair and enviable system to raise both accountability and preparedness for those who are appointed.
Firstly, the Vice-Captains of each House will receive a distinct portfolio of duties which outlines areas of the school that need promoting to the boys and to be managed appropriately. There are Vice-Captain portfolios in each House covering all areas of co-curricular including sport, music and drama. In addition, responsibilities for Service Learning Prefects and the transition of boys from the Prep schools into Year 7 and 8 will be clearly stated. There will also be a House Captain who looks after the House charities, preparation for House competition days, House meetings and House initiatives. This separation of powers and responsibilities aims to prevent certain, very motivated leaders, from being over-burdened as they juggle their leadership duties with their studies.
Secondly, the area of leadership training and review will be improved with some actual training during the coming holidays to assist the boys with their duties by giving them some hands-on assistance with the roles they have to perform. The hope is that the leaders will embrace this and are then able to provide a good example of leadership to the student body.
For students, leadership can be a very challenging area of school life. Compliance to school values and ethos is essential but initiative and ideas can be difficult to put into practice. However, it is an initiative that often separates the leaders from the followers. As House and School Leaders, they are not there merely to represent the student body – they are there to lead.
Other leadership opportunities exist for various sporting groups, Chapel, Student Representative Council, sustainability committees, musical groups and ensembles, and service learning initiatives.
Newington’s leadership model is based on service and setting a good example. Those who wish to serve the school well and lead by example are encouraged to do so. Such service is recognised in House Honour Colours, outstanding references, and the awarding of House and Full College Prefect status at the end of Year 12.
I thank all the boys for their expressions of interest and look forward to the coming year of student leadership. Thank you to Mr Paul Bourke, the former Head of Senior School, for his wisdom, advice and my induction into a very comprehensive and exclusive model of leadership at Newington College.
Mr Robert Meakin
Head of Pastoral Care/ Deputy Head of Stanmore