17 Jun 2014

P&F Careers Expo and ONU Careers Evening

The P&F Careers Expo and the ONU Careers Evening provided opportunities for senior boys and their parents to explore future education, training and career pathways.

Over fifty exhibitor stalls filled Centenary Hall. Exhibitors included Private Colleges, Universities, Defence and TAFE providing advice on courses, cadetship programs, apprenticeships, GAP programs and overseas study. In the A J Rae Centre library, over fifty Newington Old Boys and some parents from a variety of industries and professions including Film and Television, Law, Aviation, Engineering, Banking and Finance, Construction and Medicine shared their career insights – an invaluable opportunity for our boys to tap into the considerable expertise and experience of the Newington Old Boy network.

Boys interested in any of the presenters or exhibitors on the night should seek advice from the Head of Careers, Mr Simon Pennington in Term 3.



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