21 Jun 2016

Hope is an anchor for the soul

We all share an array of character strengths that require understanding and time to develop. These include compassion, mindfulness, courage, the love of learning and hope, to name a few. In terms of ‘hope’, Hebrews 6:19 says ‘…We have this hope as an anchor for our soul…’ The powerful metaphor of an anchor lends itself to an image of stability and security amidst storms of challenge and trials. Hope is the absolute belief that change will come in a matter of time, even when the storms of doubt surround us.

Whilst preparing for my HSC some years ago (approximately 30 years ago – but we’ll keep this a secret), I recall being overwhelmed with pressure; feeling somewhat hopeless. This was brought on by the fact that I was conscientiously focused on everything but my studies, subsequently paying the price with a ‘less-than-desirable’ trial HSC result. My future seemed to flash before me as a tidal wave of depressed feelings swept through my mind. For a while, I could not see the future in a positive light and spent time reflecting over where I had gone wrong.

It was then that the ray of hope began to shine. There was always hope that the outcome could be very different. After spending time praying and reflecting, I made the decision to knuckle down and devote my time and energy in preparing for the HSC. I had approximately seven weeks to put aside all of my previous ‘priorities’ and give heart and soul to ploughing through past exam papers and study notes. In the end, I surprised myself, my family and my school, increasing my estimated score to nearly 100 marks greater than I had predicted, widening my university choices to almost whatever course I desired.

We all have this same sense of hope within us. God invites us to be firmly anchored in the knowledge that we can reach beyond what we think is possible. I know my story is echoed by many students here at Newington, past and present. Are you someone who has embraced the hope of discovering what’s possible?

With the mid-year holidays fast upon us, I pray we all stay safe, enjoy a well earned rest and take the opportunity to reflect on the blessing it is to hope for an exciting future.


Rev Geordie Barham
College Chaplain


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Stanmore NSW 2048
+61 2 9568 9333


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