Year 10 Job Preparation
On the last two days of term Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 December, Year 10 boys are being given the opportunity to take part in activities that are creative or might lead to possible part-time job opportunities. In addition we will be running a seminar on getting a job (writing letters of application, curriculum vitae and interview skills). The options available were generated by a committee of Year 10 boys chaired by SRC representatives James Webb (10/LE) and Tim Hauptmann (10/FL). They include sport coaching courses, Barista training, design and construction, and film and photography.
All boys have had a preference form sent to their school email account. These need to be returned to Mr Mountain as a matter of urgency, if they have not been sent already. Some of these activities have a cost associated with them as they are accredited courses provided by external suppliers. Boys studying IB in 2013 will be involved in an IB orientation on these days, so do not need to respond.
Jon Mountain
Head of Johnstone House