Dear Parents and Guardians,
I would like to thank all our staff and boys on an excellent start to the year. There has been some real energy around the campus and everyone seems to be settling back into routine quickly.
Our Administration Day was a great success and there was a real sense of community as I caught up with a number of groups. Thank you to all parents who supported the day and who attended the many forums. All presentations are now available on SPACES and can be accessed via the link below. We are keen to gather as much feedback as possible from our parent community so that we can improve the quality of the presentations and the format of the day for next year. Could I encourage those who have not yet completed the survey to take a few minutes to do so via the link below, which will remain open until 5.00pm on Monday 6 February.
Our first round of sport commences this weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you around the grounds, courts and pools.