Dear Parents and Guardians,
On Wednesday we held one of the most important assemblies of the year where we invited back our high academic achievers from the Class of 2016, as well as presenting Academic Colours to our 2016 Year 10 and 11 students. It was a wonderful assembly that helps set the tone for the academic year ahead, and was attended by many past parents. It also provided an opportunity for our teaching staff to catch up with the returning boys and their parents and hear of their adventures since finishing Year 12. Our guest speaker, Mr Bradley Smith (ON 2011), and joint Dux of the College in that year, spoke to the boys about the diversity that Newington offers and the many opportunities available.
As you receive this message your sons will have just finished House Competition Day, and once again the boys entered all games with a variety of competitive intent. At all times games were played in great spirit, and a lot of fun was had as boys mixed across all year levels. It was a credit to them that, despite the heat, they handled themselves brilliantly.