Dear Parents and Guardians,
It gives me great pleasure to announce that Mr Bob Meakin, Deputy Head of Stanmore (Students), has gained a promotion position as Deputy Headmaster of Cranbrook School. This is well deserved, and we congratulate him on his appointment. Mr Meakin, who leads the Pastoral Executive and oversees the welfare of our student population, has given outstanding service to the College over the last five years. He has prioritised what is best for our boys in all that he has done. The College will publicly advertise this Senior Leadership role in the coming week, and we are confident that we will have an outstanding field to choose from.
If there is any delay in the commencement of the preferred candidate, Mrs Linda Munns-Conry will be the Acting Deputy Head (Students). Mrs Munns-Conry who, with her recent background as Principal of the large secondary campus Trinity College in Gawler, South Australia, will ensure the continued specialist support of our boys and leadership of our pastoral staff during this period.
Our Year 7 and 8 boys have managed the pressure of the examinations and tests very well thus far. I thank the teachers, mentors and of course the parents at home who have helped position these tasks appropriately in the minds of the boys as well as help in their preparation. It is important that we continue to keep such assessment tasks in perspective and look long term at the academic development we are seeing in our boys.