Dear Parents and Guardians
It has certainly been a challenging start to the term with the wet weather but the boys are to be commended for settling into their routine under extreme conditions.
At this week’s assembly our Senior Prefect, Saahil Parekh, gave an inspiring speech to the boys and staff about exceeding their potential and making a difference in other peoples’ lives. He emphasised that our ‘mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, compassion, humour and style’. Little wonder that the Year 12 motto is ‘Strive, Thrive, One-Five’. It was a superb address and rightly received the praise of the student body. Saahil’s full speech is available below.
Finally I urge all Newington families to commemorate the Centenary of Anzac landings this weekend. Whether it be at a service at your local park, or the George Street march itself, I encourage the Newington community to pause and reflect on the sacrifice by so many young servicemen and women.