SRC Fundraiser Friday 21 June 2013
On Friday 21st June, the SRC will be conducting a fundraising day to raise money for Yalari. This organisation offers Indigenous children from regional, rural and remote communities and towns across Australia the opportunity for a first-class secondary education through full boarding scholarships at some of the highest achieving boarding schools in Australia.
The boys at Newington are very fortunate to attend such a wonderful school and the SRC felt that it would be fantastic if we could help other children to have the same schooling opportunity.
It will be a mufti day with the theme being 150 (in the spirit of our Sesquicentenary celebrations). Boys are free to interpret this theme in a variety of ways e.g. 150 on sunglasses, hats, and clothing. There will be a prize for the most original 150 inspired mufti outfit. We will be collecting a gold coin donation from each boy.
Belinda Smallhorn
Kindergarten Teacher