Music Notes
Roseville College Visit
Year 4 from Roseville College will be visiting our school to rehearse and perform with both Year 3 and Year 4 boys on Thursday 30 August. They will be arriving after morning tea and there will be a performance from 2pm which parents are invited to attend. A sausage sizzle will be provided on this day for the students involved.
Peace Day Service for Selected Choir
A note will be sent home about this years Peace day service on Friday 21 September. This is a Staff Professional Development Day (a pupil free day). It is the first day of the school holidays. You will be expected to bring the boys to the church at 10.45am (St David’s Uniting Church, Lindfield) for and 11am service and collect at the conclusion of the service (after 12midday). It is held in the hall as there are many religious denominations represented. There is also a wonderful morning tea provided after.
Mrs Vanessa South
Music Teacher