P and F News
Dear Lindfield Community
Let me start by introducing myself and the rest of the P&F Committee for the incoming year.
I (Judy Ryan) have 2 boys at the school, Angus Bourne in Year 2 and Freddie Bourne in Kindy, so have been a part of the school for the last 3 years. Our new VP is Caroline Forsyth whose son Harry is also in Kindergarten. Luckily our current P&F secretary, Collette Middleton, has agreed to stay on and her son is Jack in Year 2. Daniel Chippeck, whose son Reuben is in Year 4, has thankfully decided to give the P&F another year as well in his role as Treasurer. I would like to thank them all for giving up their time and participating on the committee for 2013.
I would especially like to thank Catherine Mellor for the last 2 years as President and her ongoing support for the rest of 2012. Catherine has been a delight to work with and no doubt will be a support to the Stanmore Campus when the youngest of her sons joins Year 7 next year.
We have a number of vacancies still to be filled on some of our Committees and I would encourage you to have a look at Newington Spaces were we have uploaded the vacancies and the Job Descriptions for your perusal. If you are interested or have any specific questions about the roles please don’t hesitate to contact me on judyryan65@bigpond.com or Collette Middleton on collettem@bigpond.com
The roles that particularly need filling are Social and Fundraising Committee and the Sports Committee (this is for parents of Years 3-6 as connect with school sport).
As always we need additional volunteers for Tuckshop and for our Prep Shop, particularly in light of the fact that we will be losing some of our dedicated Year 6 volunteer parents at the end of the year. If you are interested in doing either you can get nomination forms from the office or email Kathryn Nordstrom for Tuckshop knordstrom@optusnet.com.au and Sing Sing Wan for Prep Shop singsing@familywan.com
As always the P&F is here to assist and I thank you, on behalf of the committee, for your support.
Kindest regards
Judy Ryan
President P&F Committee