White Ribbon Day – Friday 24 November
White Ribbon Day – Friday 24 November 2017
We are on a journey to become a White Ribbon School which means that we promote the White Ribbon movement www.whiteribbon.org.au. The White Ribbon movement promotes the development of respectful relationships to reduce and eliminate violence against women. This is a generational change and one that we are proud to be a part of, especially as it ties into our existing practices and focus on ‘respect for all’.
Classes have been participating in learning experiences, at an age appropriate level, to develop their understanding and knowledge of this important issue, ranging from the understanding of what a respectful relationship is in the younger years to the issue of domestic violence in the older years.
Next Friday, November 24, we will participate in White Ribbon Day (nationally on November 25). For this event all boys (K-6, including Year 2 who have their sleepover) are to come to school in their sports uniform (due to the black and white theme) as we’ll we taking a photo on the day. All boys should wear their white (not black) PE top and shorts.
To support the work of the White Ribbon Movement the SRC boys will be selling the following White Ribbon items before school and at recess on the day, so if you would like your son to purchase one please provide him with the necessary money on the day.
Pin: $2 / Wrist Band: $5 / Small Sticker: $0.50
At this event, the boys will further engage with the theme of ‘respectful relationships’ and will take an oath to respect everyone in our global community.
The Australian Government have developed an online resource www.respect.gov.au containing a variety of resources to support initiatives of this nature and this very important issue. I recommend having a look at these resources, particularly the respect checklist as it provides some insightful prompts to have this important conversation with your son or daughter.
White Ribbon Committee – (Ben Barrington-Higgs, Pascal Czerwenka, Carol Peterson, Sam Watson)