A huge THANKYOU to everyone who has helped, supported, volunteered, dropped by or had something to do with the Tuckshop during the year! I have enjoyed my first year here so much; the students, volunteers, P&F, parents, staff and suppliers have been so helpful, cheerful and friendly.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas and holidays.
Kathyrn Nordstrom
Tuckshop Manager
PLEASE NOTE: Lunch orders will be filled next Tuesday 4 December, but as there will be changed times and movements due to rehearsals at Stanmore during the day, there will be no sushi available but all other meals will be available as usual. Please remind your children to put their orders in before they go to Stanmore at 8.45am.
We require volunteers for 2013 if you are able to assist please click here for the Volunteer Forms. Please complete the forms and return to the School Office by Monday 3 December 2012.