A Message from our Student Leaders
House Points – Working towards an enhanced system…
Our House system is one of the many ways we build community amongst our students and develop collegiality and a healthy sense of competition. Students are proud of their Houses and work together to support each other and, of course, gain a lead on the other House.
This year, in consultation with our School Captains and Vice Captains, we introduced a termly goal and prize of a mufti day for the winning house which was very well received by the school community and proved a huge success.
Currently House points are earned in the following ways:
- in class to reinforce positive behaviours and our pastoral care focus of ‘respect for all’ and these points are reset on a weekly basis once a weekly winner has been determined;
- in addition to this our boys sit in Houses for Assembly and Chapel which provides them with another opportunity to earn House Points;
- House points are given for various Inter-House sporting and academic competitions.
Over the last couple of weeks, during leadership meetings with our Year 6 Captains and Vice Captains, we have discussed how our House Point system could be further enhanced to provide boys with additional ways of earning points that will support the College vision of providing an internationally respected education that empowers boys to become men of substance and resilience who make an active and positive contribution to society.
These discussions were very successful and as a result our school leaders have come up with a Merit based system that will see boys given an opportunity to earn merit cards during lessons (including specialist lessons) and throughout the school for demonstrating their personal best, both academically and socially. The boys will then be able to deposit these merit cards into the Kingswood or Rydal side of an equal arm balance with the winning house determined by the heaviest side at the end of each week with points awarded to the winning House. Our school captains will also tally the merit cards and record who received them so that we can keep track of exceptional behaviour.
We are very excited about this new addition to our House Points and look forward to seeing it in action from the beginning of next week (Week 4).
School Leaders
Freddie Bourne, Stylianos Vasili, Finn Wicks, Nirav Shah, Nicholas Vicars
Mr Pascal Czerwenka – Deputy Head