29 Jun 2018

Celebrating Visual Arts at Lindfield!

Each week at Assembly an ‘Art Shot of the Week’ is presented to showcase the efforts the boys have put into their visual art. It also helps boys in other years understand what their peers have accomplished.

The Stage 3 art shot revealed how they had made “Pop Art”. As a part of their current Unit of Inquiry into how media can create, alter and manipulate perceptions. The boys looked at the psychology of colours and reflected on the work of Andy Warhol.

Kindergarten were presented with a challenge to use symmetry in their artworks when creating their butterflies. It was difficult to apply ink with a brush and make sure each side had the same shapes. After the ink dried the next hurdle was to colour with oil pastels making sure colour was applied in the same spot working out from the line of symmetry.

The Stage two boys have created a charcoal artwork that highlights the “Gold Rush Era”. When inquiring into their unit on migration in Australia. The boys worked hard to apply a variety of textures with their charcoal. Some using smudging techniques, swirls, direct pressure, soft application which made for a variety of textures and contrast within the work.

The water colour convict ship drawings were another artwork that helped the boys understand the migration movement in early Australia. The boys found it challenging to apply texture when painting the ships’ hull and sails. Making sure there was enough sails, masts and rigging of a true convict ship was successfully achieved by all boys.

In Stage 1 many of our artworks were inspired by the rainforest and the living creatures within. We looked at the art work of a variety of artists who’s focus is to protect the rainforest environment and how they have achieved success. The boys scrutinized the shape and details on a variety of leaves before using ink to create their own. Shading was applied to the green tree frog, which helped create the illusion of depth on paper.

Our Kindy boys were happy to pose for art shot of the week. Many of the boys had never drawn a deep sea diver before and were interested to find out about all of the equipment a diver needs before they venture down into the ocean. We looked carefully at a range of endangered species and drew and coloured them accurately on the artwork. All boys worked with focus and perseverance when creating their water colour.


All boys have worked hard during this unit of inquiry. I look forward to sharing our next art shot participants in the next Prep-Talk.


Kylie Bain – Art Teacher




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