Feeding the homeless @ Woolloomooloo
I heard my cousin was feeding the homeless once a month and I thought that would be such and eye opening opportunity. So on the 18th of October my Mum, my Sister, my cousin’s family and I went to feed the homeless.
It’s a really simple thing to do. All I had to do was ask my parents for some money and get the food we chose to feed to the homeless. My family chose to cook around 50 sausages and a salad for around 50 people.
When we arrived we set up our food along with many other families. Very quickly 145 homeless people arrived to enjoy their treat that the families provided for them and soon enough all the food we provided was in the homeless’ stomachs.
I felt very humble and was pleased that I was able to make an impact on these homeless peoples lives. I think it’s a great opportunity for everyone to experience. It was definitely an eye opening experience for me.
I’ve decided I want to do this once a month as it’s such a good feeling that the little things we’re doing are making such and impact in so many peoples lives. If any of you want to help it’s on a Sunday from 5:15pm-6:00pm for any more details visit Street Buffet on Facebook.
James Blakeman – Year 4 Student