Kindergarten – Food Unit of Inquiry
Kindergarten have been inquiring into the central idea, ‘Food is essential for life and can go through changes before we eat it’. To start the unit the boys were given a provocation in which they had to try and group a range of food products. They then used iPads to take photos of the food groups and presented them using the Photo Mess app.
To gain a further understanding of how food changes the boys experienced a variety of hands-on activities such as damper making and going on an excursion to Pure Gelato to see how gelato is made. They also enjoyed observing the vegetables growing in the school vegetable garden and had great fun digging up lettuce, onions and potatoes. This produce was then proudly taken down to Mrs Nordstrom, in the tuckshop, to use in her cooking and she kindly cooked up the potatoes to make Kindergarten some potato wedges. They were delicious!
To investigate how different food items can be used to create a variety of food products, the boys looked at and taste- tested a range of food items that are made from tomatoes, potatoes and milk. They also categorised food as being processed or unprocessed and used this knowledge to think about healthy types of food that our bodies rely on.
The boys learnt to create flow charts to show the process food goes through from paddock to plate and they were also exposed to procedure writing. A range of picture books relating to our unit was used, with a favourite being ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Following the reading of this text each boy was given a ‘magic’ bean to grow and observe.
It was exciting to see the boys start to think about food and the process it goes through before we eat it.
Belinda Smallhorn – Kindergarten