New Furniture for The Lookout
It is with much excitement that I provide an update on the latest P&F Donation to our school; new furniture for The Lookout (Library). After the success of last term’s Walkathon and associated fundraising we have been able to purchase some new, innovative furniture for the Library space. Our goal was to create a unique learning space providing the boys with increased opportunity for flexibility and creativity in their learning.
The new furniture consists of some adjustable tables and benches providing the boys with choice and all of the tables have a whiteboard surface allowing the boys to record their thinking and research in a different manner. We have also purchased a number of ottomans to provide choice in seating.
On behalf of the boys and teachers, I would like to express our sincere thanks to all members of our school community for the extremely generous support that is provided in an ongoing way and specifically towards this new furniture.
Chris Wyatt