P and F News
Dear Lindfield Community
It’s now coming up quickly to the end of term and then our long Summer Holidays. We would like to try and get our various Committees finalised by the end of the year if possible.
There are now four confirmed parents on the Sports Committee which are:
Gary Smith (sons in Years 4/6)
David Middleton (son in Year 3)
Marcus Timpson (sons in Years 3/6)
Giles Bourne (sons in Years 1/3)
It would be great if we had one other parent from Years 4, 5 or 6 to join the others on the Committee. If you are interested please let either myself (judyryan65@bigpond.com) or Collette Middleton (collettem@bigpond.com) know.
As mentioned previously we also need some additional volunteers for the Social and Fundraising Committee. Our main events for the Social Committee next year will be to organise the walkathon, Easter Raffle and the parent evening in October next year. We will not be doing the larger fundraisers of the previous two years i.e. no auction baskets etc. It will be a purely social occasion with a smaller expectation for fundraising. So far we have confirmed:
Susan Liu (son in Year 3)
Melissa Hunter (son in Year 1)
Hopefully we will have new parents putting their hands up but it would be a HUGE benefit to have some current parents joining Susan and Melissa. Whilist they are extremely competent, I have no doubt that they would welcome as much assistance as possible so please let myself or Collette know if you would like to help out. Please click here for volunteer forms.
Kindest regards
Judy Ryan
P & F President