01 Dec 2017


To all our families, as the year draws to a close, thank you for your volunteering efforts and continued willingness to pitch in when and where required. Your contributions help make our community so strong and we are so appreciative of your time.

To our staff, thank you for your continued passion, enthusiasm and dedication to our boys.  We appreciate all the effort you put into making their learning experiences so worthwhile.

As we head into a “changing of the guard”, we would like to also wish David Cooper, Stephanie Williams, Christoph Hippmann and Neeti Jata, the new P&F Executive team, well in their new roles. 

It has been such a pleasure working with everyone and we are so pleased to have been able to contribute and assist in supporting our Lindfield school community.

Please remember, the P&F work on behalf of all our families and always welcome any suggestions regarding ways to enhance our boys’ learning environment.

How did the P&F contribute to our school community this year?

This year the P&F contributed to the school community in the following ways. We:

  • Subsidised the co-curricular drama, chess and typing programs
  • Funded the “pilot” flexible learning space program
  • Funded the keypads for the Touch-Typing program
  • Contributed to the Welcome Reception
  • Contributed to the Literature Festival

A full financial overview of how the P&F has contributed is now available.  https://spaces.newington.nsw.edu.au/lindfield/parents-and-friends/articles/17205-updated-summary-of-financial-contributions-by-p-f-2017 

Have a lovely break over the holidays.

Take Care

Jules Ashworth, Vicky Sharp, Susie Martin and Sylvia Chan
The “outgoing” P&F Executive Team



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Lindfield NSW 2070
+61 2 9416 4280


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