PYP Exhibition
Last week our Year 6 students presented their Exhibition to the rest of the school during the day and the school community in the evening. As they shared the process and their learning experiences during their six week inquiry, it was an excellent celebration of learning and demonstration of the extensive skills that the boys have learnt and developed during their time at Newington.
As the boys Tuned In to this unit of inquiry, they unpacked the transdisciplinary theme, developed their Central Idea, worked out their groups and Lines of Inquiry and designed their Essential Questions which they then explored using an inquiry cycle.
During the Finding Out phase the boys make weekly contact with their Mentors and regular contact with their Supervisors as they guided the boys and helped them to stay on task and on the right track. They explored a variety of primary and secondary sources of information and during this period the groups went on mini-excursions to interview experts and made contact over the phone and via email.
Following on from this the boys Sorted Out their information and Made Connections before Taking their learning Further by considering how they could take action, which is a major component of any unit of inquiry.
It has been a very exciting experience for all involved and the boys have been able to Reflect on so many aspects of their learning. The boys have really learnt that a significant component of any workplace and larger inquiry is the importance of being prepared (questions and information) and the huge value that can be gained from talking to an ‘expert’ in their area!
Below are the logos the boys have prepared for their groups.
Pascal Czerwenka – Year 6 Teacher