16 Sep 2016

Stage 1 – Light and Sound

The Stage 1 boys are very excited to be learning about Light and Sound in their fifth unit of inquiry. The Central Idea is by exploring the elements of light and sound people may interact with the world around them. The Transdisciplinary theme is “How the world works” which entails an inquiry into the natural world and its interaction with human societies.

As a provocation the boys learnt how important light was to them as they worked for a short time with no lights on in the classroom.  They also had to use their sense of hearing to listen for the sounds around them.

In the first line of inquiry the boys are learning about the concept of form and they will be exploring forms of energy.  The boys will have an understanding of what energy is like and be able to recognise features using their observational skills. So far, the boys have examined different kinds of light, eg. natural, artificial, neon and laser. The boys have also been on a sound hunt  listening for different types of sounds in the school environment. They have used their collected data to make a mind-map using Popplet on the iPads.

In the second line of inquiry the boys will be looking at the concept of change where they will test various light and sound investigations. This will help the boys to understand the process of movement from one state to another. They will also be learning how to write an explanation to complement these investigations.

The third line of inquiry is about the concept of function. The boys will be investigating how light and sound is used in their daily lives. They will be exploring how different elements of light and sound work and what its purpose is in the world.

In Music the boys will be creating instruments to investigate sound vibration, and in Mandarin and Art the boys will have the pleasure of learning about shadow puppet shows.

The specific skill focus for this unit is thinking and research skills. These skills are valuable in unit of inquiry as well as other learning areas. They are both useful for inside and outside of school. As teachers we support the boys in developing a set of Transdisciplinary skills throughout their school life. Other skill development includes social skills, communication skills and self management skills which are developed continually throughout the school year.


Leonie Russell – Year 2 Teacher

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