12 Feb 2016

Years 1 and 2 – Relationships Unit of Inquiry

The boys in Year 1 and 2 are learning about relationships and how to maintain and enhance them through communication. Over the past couple of weeks we have examined our first line of inquiry discussing different types of relationships such as friendships, family relationships and helpful relationships.

It is imperative that boys are happy in the classroom and in the playground. The boys have discussed what it means to be respectful towards one another and how they can do this during class time. Some of their responses were – by waiting patiently, staying in their own personal space, using their manners and listening to the speaker, just to name a few.

The boys have also been practising their drama skills in the Library lesson. Each small group of boys was given a scenario and had to use their problem solving skills to enhance their relationships with a situation at home, school or in the community.

Year 1 have started their Relationships UOI (Unit of Inquiry) by buddying up with the Year 5 classes. The buddy system allows the Year One boys to learn from their older peers, whom they really look up to. The boys spent their first session by getting to know one another, the Year 1 boys brought up their favourite books and shared them with their buddies. Going forward, the buddies will be spending time together in the playground, in Chapel and most importantly, they will be sharing their learning with one another.

When tuning in to students’ thinking, teachers establish what students know and connect it to their lives. The boys have sorted some images of different people in relationships and chose whether they were family, friends or helpful relationships.

In the next coming weeks we will be discussing how boys can maintain and enhance their relationships at home and at school. Concepts such as empathy, feelings in different situations, building confidence and showing compassion will be examined in class. Empathy helps boys to perceive and understand what others are feeling. It also motivates boys to show compassion by using caring words and actions with others. This helps boys to feel less isolated and to provide emotional support to friends when times may be difficult. By helping boys to develop the ability to have empathy for others provides a good foundation for helpful and socially responsible behaviour. It also helps boys to develop and manage their own strong emotions and solve interpersonal problems.

Mr Watson and Mrs Russell – Stage 1 Teachers

Y2 01 Y2 02 Y2 03 Y2 04 Y2 06Stage 2 Buddies 01Stage 2 Buddies 02Stage 2 Buddies 03Stage 2 Buddies 04Stage 2 Buddies 05Stage 2 Buddies 06Stage 2 Buddies 07



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