08 Aug 2013

Back to Newington Day 2013

In our 150th Anniversary year, we are delighted by how many Newingtonians have been encouraged to reconnect with the College, particularly those who may not have engaged with friends or past teachers for some time.

Back to Newington Day is the very special day we set aside every year to extend Newington’s hospitality, celebrate the sportsmanship of our rugby and football teams and to support the Newington parents who voluntarily work to raise funds to assist the co-curricular activities of the boys.

Community celebrations and anniversaries have been a long-standing tradition of the College. This year we look back, and using the Black and White Cookbook, our stall holders will recreate the recipes and traditions of Newington families passed from generation to generation.

Join us for our biggest home day celebration of the year.

For more information, click here


SRC Yalari Fundraiser

On Friday 21st June, the SRC conducted a fundraising day to raise money for Yalari and raised $166. This organisation offers Indigenous children from regional, rural and remote communities and towns across Australia the opportunity for a first-class secondary education through full boarding scholarships at some of the highest achieving boarding schools in Australia.


In the spirit of our Sesquicentenary celebrations, the mufti day theme was 150. There were some very creative interpretations of this theme! Well done boys!


Andrew Lygo and Belinda Smallhorn


Week 3

Week 4



Kieran Davey-Webb Kindergarten Samuel Stewart Kindergarten
Koyla Herbst Kindergarten Angus Bourne Year 3
Lachlan James Year 1 Charlie Carr Year 3
Jamie Kerr Year 1 Laksh Pande Year 3
James Potkonjak Year 2 Hamish Danks Year 4
Daniel Nicholas Year 5 Oliver Johnston Year 4
Finn Rose Year 5 Richard Wan Year 4
Tim Riddell Year 5


Callum Sharp Year 5
Hamish Hunter Year 1
 Zac Steinwede Year 3



James Blakeman Year 2  Nishantha Abbey  Year 1
Justin Gao Year 2  Marcus Burghen  Year 1
Marcus Gripton-Corbett Year 2  Kelvin Cai  Year 1
Ben Fitzgerald Year 3
Parza Yazdani Year 3


Thomas Cowdroy Year 4  Aidan Chandler Kindergarten
Luke Dickinson Year 4  Johnathon Fitzgerald Kindergarten
Alistair Shaw Year 5  Jack Lu  Year 5
Alex Short Year 5 Oscar Moody  Year 5
Ethan Barrett Year 6  Keaghan Davey-Webb  Year 6
Hugh Holm Year 6 Oliver Haig   Year 6
Liam Wyatt-Smith Year 6 Edward Parsonage   Year 6
Angus Webster   Year 6

ICAS Science

High Distinction
Laksh Pande Year 3
Connor Plank Year 3

IPSHA Social Action Expo

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege to take a group of six boys to The Kings School to represent Newington College at the 2013 Social Action Expo. Hugh Holm, Liam Wyatt-Smith, Tane Blessington, Sam Gresham, Finn Rose and Angus Webster represented the school with distinction. I had numerous comments about the boy’s conduct and attitude towards the intent of the day.

The 2013 Social Action Expo was designed to heighten primary student’s awareness of Social Issues and contexts for Social Action at their school. The day has given our boys a plac

to start. The boys have already started brainstorming initiatives, ideas and directions that we can take at Newington to start to think about issues that directly or indirectly affect many people in our society.

The major focus of the expo was centred around encouraging awareness, advocacy and action in the students.

Awareness – finding out

Advocacy – speaking up

Action – advocating change

The Expo featured presentations from Amnesty International, Boxes for Christmas and School For Life. The boys were also privileged enough to take the opportunity to chat with students at others schools about programs that they have put in place or ideas that they have started thinking about in terms of a social issue e.g. poverty, climate change, homelessness, pollution, injustice etc.

It was enlightening to see the boys thinking about broader issues beyond their social realm. The passion and enthusiasm that the boys have brought away from this experience has been wonderful to witness. These boys now plan to collaborate with the staff and boys about designing a Social Action Program for the school so that we can all be involved in helping others in need.

 Joel Weekes
Teaching and learning Team Leader (PYPC)

Social Action Day at The Kings Preparatory School

On the 26 July, six Stage 3 boys, Hugh Holm, Liam Wyatt-Smith, Tane Blessington, Sam Gresham, Finn Rose and I went to The Kings Preparatory School to watch speakers talk about specific charities they have started and how they have taken Social Action for starting it.  To also interact with students in regards to how we can start Social Action Projects within our schools. The main speakers on the day were from ‘Amnesty International, Boxes for Christmas and School for life’.

Amnesty International defends people who are not given adequate Human Rights. Eliza gave us some thinking activities to do where we had to put ourselves in other people’s shoes and make decisions on what is most important to us. We learnt about how truly blessed we are and that there are some people in the world that don’t have a life like ours. I love that Amnesty International tries to help them have a better life.

Margaret Chivers was our next speaker. As a child, she was an orphan and was adopted by a loving family. She started a charity later in life called ‘Boxes For Christmas’. This charity is for people who have no family and wake up on Christmas Morning with no presents. ‘Boxes for Christmas’ sends presents to people who have nothing on Christmas Morning to make them happier because at least they received a present for Christmas. Margret made us understand the value of giving, other than receiving. She made us understand the value of just one 5c piece! It all adds up.

After Lunch was my favourite session. We were fortunate enough to listen to a lady by the name of Annabelle Chancey. She spoke about a charity she and a friend named Dave started called ‘School For Life’. This charity helps children in Uganda have a better education and the two of them started a new school one class at a time. When Annabelle finished speaking she showed us a video of the Ugandan children learning at their new school – it was quite an emotional experience!

Our last learning opportunity of the day was to chat with other students from independent schools about Social Action. We spoke about what they were doing in their schools and reflected with Mr Weekes about what we possibly could do to start our own Social Action Group/s. Some Student Expos that other schools had set up made me start to think about how important it is to help one another and to think about how we as a school can help those in need.

I look forward to our journey ahead in starting our first ever Social Action Program.

 Angus Webster 
Year 6 Student 



100 Day Celebration

Since the beginning of the year, the Junior Primary boys have been learning about and discussing the concept of 100 and what it looks like.  Every day they counted and visually represented how many days they had been at school.

To celebrate the 100th day of school the boys participated in activities relating to the concept of 100. The boys were divided into groups of three and participated in an outdoor scavenger hunt which required them to look for 10 bundles of 10 objects. Once the scavenger hunt was complete the boys had a morning tea together. Each boy brought in some snacks to share and designed a placemat to hold 10×10 treats.


Mrs Barg and Miss Smallhorn


Semester 2 2013 – SRC and ICT Representatives

ICT Representatives

Jack Ireland
Marcus Yoo

Year 1
Gabriel Gordon
Rishaad Wildie

Year 2
Justin Gao
Harrison Stuart

Year 3
Nathan Ma
Cameron Liu

Year 4
Julian Potkonjak
Richard Wan

Year 5
Tom Williamson
Matthew Gamble

Year 6
Edward Parsonage
Hugh Holm

SRC Representatives

Aidan Chandler
Matthew Webster

Year 1
Tristan Henry
James Stevens

Year 2
James Potkonjak
Angus Rowe

Year 3
Henry Taylor
Ryoma Suzuki

Year 4
Nilanka Abbey
Gabriel Dickinson

Year 5
Harry Bell
Samuel Gresham

Year 6
Oliver Dwyer
Liam Wyatt-Smith

A Message from Mr Wyatt

Emotional and Social Learning

On Wednesday we conducted a morning and evening Parent Workshop on the topic “Emotional and Social Learning”. I began the session by sharing the following quote from Candy Lawson which highlights the importance of supporting boys in these areas.

School is not only a place where children learn reading, writing and math. It is also a place where they learn to get along with other people and learn social skills. Social skills are the skills we need to interact adaptively in our cultural environment. Although students don’t get grades on social tests from their teacher, their peers are constantly giving them ‘grades’ on ‘social tests’ every day.”

Over my years in teaching I have witnessed first hand the following trends occurring with primary-aged students…

  • Increase in anti-social behaviours.
  • Decrease in general social skills.
  • Decrease in ability to read social cues.
  • Decrease in problem solving skills.
  • Decrease in resilience.
  • Increase in social anxiety.

Why is this the case and what can we do about it?

Throughout the workshop we emphasised the importance of partnership. If we are to support our boys in overcoming these trends we need to work together, to provide a consistent message and to provide guidance.

What is being done at school?

We are providing a multi-faceted approach to support our boys, including classroom, mentoring and playground support.

The PYP framework provides a perfect vehicle for assisting students in making connections between the content they are learning, and associated skills and attitudes. These skills include ‘social skills’ which are introduced and taught within the context of the classroom and students are given the opportunity to practise using them within a supportive and positive environment.

We also develop the social skills of our boys through our PALS (Positive Attitudes and Life Skills) program and class-based Circle Time. Our Year 6 boys run the PALS sessions with the other classes once a month and the ideas that are introduced are discussed at weekly class Circle Time sessions. At these sessions all boys are given the opportunity to voice their opinions and feelings in a safe and supportive environment, supervised by the teacher.

The PALS program addresses the following skills and dispositions; Core Values, Courage, Optimistic Thinking, Emotions, Relationships, Humour, Anti-Bullying, Resilience – Bouncing Back.

Our playground is a key aspect of our approach to developing the social and emotional well-being of our boys. Our playground provides a variety of play spaces and alternatives for the boys. These include the play equipment, the playing fields, handball courts, The Bush and The Lookout. This variety allows our boys the necessary space and alternatives to ensure they are entertained, safe and happy.

We have recently completed our annual School Culture Survey with the boys. This survey focuses on incidents and understanding of bullying, and positives in the playground. I am pleased to report that boys identifying as being bullied has decreased 10% since last year. Boys also report that they are more likely (over 5%) to tell a teacher if something is bothering them. These two statistics alone highlight that we are heading in the right direction. Having said that, we want to keep working with the boys to create the most positive and friendly school environment and culture that we can.

It is worth noting that the issue of ‘bullying’ is still commonly misunderstood by boys, and in some cases parents. It is also very closely linked to resilience.

An action (verbal, physical, online activity) is considered ‘bullying’ occurs when it occurs repeatedly in a targeted manner and an imbalance of power exists.

Whilst there are occasional incidents of bullying in our school and we treat these very seriously, some boys label incidents as bullying when they are better described as poor behaviour. This type of behaviour should also be treated seriously and consequences should apply, however it is important that we don’t label these instances as bullying. Equally important, we need to continue to encourage our boys to be tough, resilient and focused on social problem solving.

This is an area where we would welcome your support. I encourage you to focus on positives with your son, encourage him to be a problem solver in social situations, to tell a teacher if needed and then tell a parent if necessary. Ultimately, most social issues are better dealt with quickly, at school, between the boys. If we can encourage this, we are setting them up for social success, both now and in the future.


Farewell Mr Lygo and other staffing news

It is with mixed feelings that we farewell Mr Lygo this week as he ventures off on a new adventure at a school in Abu Dhabi. Whilst we are very sad to see him leave us, after 8 years of dedicated service to our community, we are also very excited for him and his family.

Mr Lygo started at Lindfield as a beginning teacher and has grown throughout his time with us to become the teacher he is today. He has contributed significantly to our school through the classroom as well as influencing many on the cricket and rugby fields as coach. He has also been responsible for a number of particularly engaging Science Days that have been thoroughly enjoyed by all of the boys.

Mr Lygo has had the benefit of teaching most of our current boys and so it was fitting that he be farewelled at this week’s Assembly with a video featuring messages from each class. Good luck Mr Lygo!

Mrs Gaspersic officially joins us next week as the new Year 1 teacher, however she has been here on Thursday and Friday getting to know the boys and completing a comprehensive handover with Mr Lygo.

In other staffing news, Madam Pixton officially began maternity leave this week. We wish her every blessing as she awaits the birth of her third child.

I am delighted to announce that Ms Oliver gave birth to Luana Oliver Ampuero, a beautiful baby girl last Friday. Both mother and baby are well.

 Morning Drop-Off

Please be reminded that boys should not be dropped off to their class before 8:05am in the morning, regardless of whether you are supervising them. Teachers are hard at work preparing lessons for the day ahead. On the odd occasion that boys are at school prior to 8:05am, they are required to wait in the School Office.


Coffee and Chat with Mr Wyatt – Tuesday 13 August

The next Coffee and Chat Morning will be held on Tuesday 13 August from 8:00-9:00am. These mornings are simply a chance to come and chat casually with me and other parents about school-related matters. I look forward to seeing you then! The second Coffee and Chat Morning will be held on Thursday 12 September.


Enrolments – Year 5 and Kindergarten

Due to the addition of an extra Stage 3 Class in 2014 we are in the fortunate position to have vacancies for next year. We are currently enrolling boys for Year 5 2014 as we seek to gain the necessary numbers to make the additional class a straight Year 5.

Vacancies exist in Kindergarten for next year. We are offering an ‘Experience Kindy – Year 2 Morning’ for prospective families on Wednesday 14 August from 9:30-10:30am.

Limited vacancies also exist in other year levels. If you know families that might be interested, please encourage them to call the School Office on 9416 4280.

Dates to Note

Thursday 8 August  Lindfield Music Concert at 6.00pm at Stanmore Campus
Friday 9 August   Chapel in Don Brown Hall at 8.30am all welcome,  ONU Dinner

Week 5
Tuesday 13 August  Coffee & Chat with Mr Wyatt at 8.00am,  ICAS Mathematics at 9.30am,  School Assembly – Year 3 Item in Don Brown Hall at 2.30pm all welcome,  PYP Exhibition Parent Information Session in The Lookout at 6.30pm
Wednesday 14 August  Interhouse Soccer/Rugby 1.30 – 3.00pm
Thursday 15 August  Year 1 Meet and Greet Morning
Friday 16 August  Chapel in Don Brown Hall at 8.30am all welcome,  Year 7 2014 Placement Test for Year 6 Stanmore at 9.00am
Saturday 17 August  Newington Invitational Athletics

Week 6 – Book Week
Tuesday 20 August  School Assembly – Year 5 Item in Don Brown Hall at 2.30pm all welcome
Wednesday 21 August  Interhouse Tennis 1.30 – 3.00pm 


Year 3 and 4 Sydney Observatory Excursion

On Tuesday 13 August, Years 3 and 4 will be travelling to The Sydney Observatory to take part in its Astronomy Program. It is a 90 minute program that allows the boys to explore and discover the various aspects of our solar system. The program also raises elements that affect life on Earth and the impact that it has on our lives.

This excursion will also serve as an opportunity to enhance the boys’ knowledge and understanding of our central idea which states that “Human survival is connected to understanding the natural changing nature of the Earth”. The information provided within the program will also link to the boys’ work in the Measurement Strand in Mathematics, examining Length, Mass, Area, Volume and Capacity and Time.

It will be an exciting and valuable experience for the boys and one that we are looking forward to with great anticipation.


Mr Edwards and Mrs Russell


P & F News

Dear Parents

You will shortly be receiving  the school canteen’s new menu with updated pricing for most items. The new prices will be in operation from Tuesday 13 August 2013.

The canteen has been running at a significant loss this school year, primarily due to escalating costs from our suppliers and it is unavoidable that we raise prices as we try to run the canteen on a break-even basis, and get the operation back on a sustainable footing. It simply is not feasible for the P&F to lose money at the rate that we have been over the past year or so.

We have managed to avoid any meaningful price rises in the past couple of years and unfortunately the time has come where our margins have been eroded too far. Even after these rises, the P&F executive and our canteen manager Kathryn feel that our pricing is still very competitive when compared with other schools in our area.

Thank you for your understanding, and for your continued support of the canteen.

 Daniel Chippeck
P&F Treasurer

Prep Shop

The Prep Shop is open on Mondays from 3.00pm – 3.45pm and Wednesdays from 8.00am – 8.45am

Week 5 Roster

Monday 12 August 3.00pm – 3.45pm
Lisa Munckton
Susan Gerahty


Wednesday 14 August 8.00am – 8.45am
Joanne Nelson
Jemima Moody


Week 6 Roster

Monday 19 August 3.00pm – 3.45pm
Stephanie Danks
Ingrid Ying Gao


Wednesday 21 August 8.00am – 8.45am
Robyn McGowan
Sing Sing Wan