P & F News and Events
It seems as though at this time every year, if you are like me, you are marvelling at how much our little men have grown and what they’ve been able to achieve in a just a year. Reflecting on this year and what our boys have been able to experience is so heart-warming. We all have much to be proud of and grateful for.
Big congratulations to the Year 6 boys! On behalf of the P&F Executive, I wish them all the very best and hope that they are as confident about their move to high school as they should be. They are lucky to have progressed through their primary years at Wyvern House and I hope they continue to be lucky in the pursuit of their dreams.
Christmas is well and truly on the way with the Christmas tree up at the front office and Carols on the Oval (at the senior school) happening on Saturday, 6 December from 7:30pm-8:30pm, marking the end of the school term and the school year.
This is a special time of year, regardless of your beliefs. The spirit of giving is contagious and if you allow yourself to be swept away by the wonder of Christmas and the joy of giving you will surely experience all the magic that comes with it.
When you’re shopping for the children in your life, please think about the many children who won’t be getting a Christmas present this year and who may have never had one. This year we are encouraging people to purchase gifts for older children who tend to get forgotten, but who would get the same pleasure from a gift as a young child would.
I hope to see you at the Welcome Picnic on Saturday, 17 January from 2:00pm-4:00pm, the Welcome Cocktail Party on Friday, 6 February from 6:00pm-9:00pm or perhaps both. Detailed invitations for both of our ‘new year’ events are available on SPACES. In the meantime, enjoy the opportunity to recharge the batteries and change the routine, which hopefully includes more sleeping in or at least staying in your pyjamas for just that little bit longer in the morning.
I’m going to repeat myself…once again, on behalf of the P&F Executive, a big thank you to every parent, carer, friend and family member who has been active in our school community this year. Wyvern House would not have the same community spirit without you, and of course, we all need to say special thanks to the staff of Wyvern House. We are blessed to have such caring and capable people looking after our children.
And, finally…the Uniform Shop will open before Term 1 2015 starts – Tuesday, 27 January and Wednesday, 28 January from 8.30am-12.00pm. These are very busy days so if you can spare any time to help out on either of these two days our Uniform Shop Manager, Kerry-Lee Foord, would really appreciate your help. Her contact details are 0423 928 420 or klfoord@me.com.
So, with a New Year full of promise ahead of us, I wish you a very merry Christmas, happy holidays and all the best for 2015.
Until next time, be well and happy
Natalie Mina
President, Wyvern P&F
natalie.mina@accenture.com; 0414 850 455