A Message from Mr Holden
It seems hard to believe we are entering the last weeks of the term, however, it is good to report that the start of the 2015 academic year has been very positive with Wyvern students settling to their very full agendas with focus and determination.
One key area for a successful partnership between school and parents is communication. To assist in providing greater clarity around this area I attach, via the following link, Wyvern’s Home School Communication Policy. This summarises the main communication channels, as well as key contacts for various issues. I thank the P&F executive for their helpful feedback throughout the drafting process.
This year Anzac Day falls on a Saturday, therefore, there will be no public holiday on Monday 27th April as previously indicated in your son’s student diary. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Finally, thank you for observing our key safety rules when using the drive through facility which has led to improved efficiency in this area. I do remind parents that it is important not to arrive at the car park too early as this causes major congestion on Harrow Road. The earliest times you should arrive at the car park are:
- 3:05pm – K-2
- 3:20pm – Years 3-6
We continue to work closely with Marrickville council on all traffic issues around the campus.
Ian Holden
Head of Wyvern House