Wyvern Parents and Friends’ Mother’s Day Breakfast
DATE: | Friday 8th May 2015 |
TIME: | 7.00am – 8.30am |
WHERE: | Wyvern Basketball Courts (adjacent to the Tuckshop) |
This event is hosted by the Wyvern Parents & Friends’ Association to celebrate all the special mothers and grandmothers of our Wyvern boys.
NOTE: Boys should not attend the breakfast unless they are accompanied by a parent, carer or adult as there is no teacher supervision provided. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.
Click here for the Mother’s Day Breakfast Flyer – you must complete the RSVP and return to either Wyvern Office or email Vicky Grillakis grillakis@optusnet.com.au or Monica Baird monica@justinbaird.com by 28 April
Wyvern P&F