A Message from Mr Holden
One of the great joys of my role is seeing the personal growth and development of our students over a period of time. Having the Kindergarten classes located so close to my office is a daily reminder of where the formal schooling journey starts. The unbridled enthusiasm and joy for learning in these tender years is infectious as are the many ‘left field’ questions that Kindergarten student poses to our patient teachers!
At the other end of our school I am very proud to see the responsibility and care that our Year 6 students demonstrate to our youngest boys. Their role modelling of core values of service to others, care and kindness has such a positive impact on our boys and school community. Through our ‘buddy’ program, Year 6 students regularly take Kindy and Year 1 students under their wing in learning activities such as sharing books, helping boys to tie shoe laces and completing problem solving activities. The benefit is felt in equal measure by both our youngest and oldest students.
I ask all parents who use the drive through in the afternoon for the following support; please time your journey to the car park to arrive in Harrow Road after 3:05pm for K-2 student pickup and after 3:20pm for 3-6 student pickup. In recent days we have had instances where Wyvern parents have been queuing in Harrow Road as early as 2:15pm, causing great congestion and much angst to the Harrow Road residents. We seek at all times to be excellent neighbours, hence I respectfully request that parents adhere to the above pickup timings.
Mr Ian Holden
Head of Wyvern House