12 Oct 2017

Artist of the Week

Years 3-6 Artist of the Week

The artists of the week come from Year 3. Last Term, they worked hard on creating Dragon artworks after reading the book ‘Rowan of Rin’. They were able to make the Dragon in three different parts and joined them together, then created a magical background, echoing ideas within the book. Boys were able to make a variety of different types of Dragons using texture and colour.

Congratulations to William Gray and Benjamin Chau for their wonderful work.

Year 6 Also worked on a charcoal or graphite pencil perspective drawing. There was a lot of measuring and estimating involved.

Congratulations to Charlie Foster for his charcoal perspective drawing.

Meredith Buining
Visual Arts Teacher

Newington, Wyvern House

115 Cambridge Street
Stanmore NSW 2048
+61 2 9568 9444


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