12 May 2015

Your Giving, Our Future

The end of the financial year will soon be upon us. Our Bursary, Building and Library Funds are all tax deductible and all donations, large or small, are gratefully received. Your support will ensure the ongoing development of the College for our boys today and for the generations to follow.

 One Hundred Bursaries by 2040

Newington College currently provides a diverse range of opportunities through our Academic, Boarding, Indigenous and Music Scholarships and Bursary Program. Many of these have been established by generous benefactors and are maintained through regular and annual giving by the Newington community.

Our aim is to build a fund by 2040 that will see 100 bursaries offered each year so that young men of promise, without the financial means, can receive a Newington education and ‘Discover what’s possible’.

Enriching & Evolving the Learning Environment

Investing in the future of the College also means creating new spaces and care for existing ones that will enhance the learning experience and see our boys of promise become men of substance.

Looking to the future, we are continuing to evolve learning spaces for our Year 7 boys and also a new Drama Centre for our boys to develop their creative expression. These new buildings will further enrich the overall experience for our boys now and into the future.

Donations to the Bursary, Building and Library funds are 100% tax deductible. Donate via our online giving facility www.newington.nsw.edu.au/payments Choose FOUNDATION and GIVING