Cinematic finish for a year of Newington Film Successes
The College has experienced significant success with students entering their films into well-established competitions over the last couple of months. This year, three Year 10 boys submitted a film to Rose Bay High School’s “V-Fest” film festival. Established in 1999, V-Fest, recognises the top three entries from over 60 submissions across 12 schools. Jack Crawford (10/KL), Jason Ren (10/MA) and Steve Hatzipavlis (10/PR) placed an impressive third overall with their film, “The Strife of Brian”. Additionally, the largest national high school film competition in Australia, the Robin Anderson Student Film Awards, has chosen a Newington College Year 10 film for the first time. Stavros Dedes (10/PR), Mitchell Long (10/MA), Jarrah Lindhout (10/KL) and Matthew Putt’s (10/PR) film “Tear” will screen at The Dendy Newtown in late November and compete as Junior Finalists from a field of hundreds. Newington Film students have also made a splash at Scotsfest 2015, the Scots College’s Film Festival. Congratulations goes to the makers of “Ong Way Home” Justin Ly (10/LE), Daniel Steel (10/ LE) and Massimo Marchese (10/ LE); “Dwane” Alex Zissis (11/PR) and Gerogio Platias (11/JN), and “Take the Stairs” George Pople (9/JN) and Aston Brown (9/MO).
Both films and 17 others can be seen at 7:00 PM Thursday 26 November in Centenary Hall during Newington College’s 15th Annual CineArts Film Festival. Showcasing work from Year 10 English Film, the after school film club, CineArts, and films from Pymble Ladies College, International Grammar School and The Scots College, the festival is curated to bring you the best narrative film storytelling in Sydney. Gold donations at the door.
Mr Terence Priester
CineArts Co-ordinator