Year 7 Vaccinations
Vaccinations for Year 7
As part of their schools program, NSW Health will offer the following vaccinations to Year 7 only:
HPV vaccine in three doses – in previous years, Newington has had an over 80% uptake of this vaccine.
Diptheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (whooping cough) booster – one dose, brought forward from age 15 years in the Blue Book.
Varicella – one dose. This is not required if your son has had chicken pox previously or if he has had a previous vaccination for chicken pox.
Please note that consent forms were given to each Year 7 student last week. If you wish your son to be vaccinated, please complete the form and return the form to Mentors promptly. Spare forms can be collected from me.
The dates for Year 7 vaccinations are March 10, May 19 and September 8. If your son is absent on any of these days the nurses will be able to ‘catch them up’ at the next visit. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or if your son is particularly nervous about vaccinations please do let me know.
Healthy Breakfast Ideas
Eating breakfast is an opportunity to ‘break the fast’ from the night before and refuel your energy stores. You are more likely to eat well during the day if you have a healthy breakfast.
Some studies have shown that skipping breakfast can make weight control more difficult and it can also make kids feel tired, restless, or irritable.
Do you eat breakfast? Remember children imitate their parents behaviour!
Here are some healthy options:
- A bowl of whole grain cereal with reduced-fat milk and sliced fresh fruit
- A delicious smoothie made from reduced-fat milk, fresh fruit and yoghurt
- English muffins or crumpets with some reduced-fat cheese, baked beans or avocado
- Untoasted muesli or rolled oats
- Poached eggs on whole grain toast with tomato, or boiled egg with soldiers
- Prepare some bircher muesli the night before
- Mushrooms on toast
- Hummus on toast with avocado
- Pancakes with fresh fruit
- Limit fruit juice to ½ cup as it has a high sugar content and is often low in fibre
- Hot chocolate or milo in milk
Sister Margaret Bates
College Nurse