P&F News
Dear Lindfield Community
What a fantastic night it was on Saturday night, for those of you who could make the P&F Fundraiser for 2013. The Social and Fundraising Committee, chaired by Melissa Hunter and including Penny Whiteing, Susan Liu, Rhoda MacCulloch, Jules Ashworth, Kim Stevens, Adele Fourie, Collette Middleton, Erica Berkovich and Andjana Pachkova put together an outstanding evening. With lovely wine, food and a great atmosphere on the Basketball Court, it was a great time with everyone mingling together along with the Newington Staff and their respective wives and husbands. Giles Bourne and Richard Forsyth must also be acknowledged for conducting a very relaxed auction, which was highly successful. A big thank you as well to Mr C, who very kindly sorted out our sound system, so we could have the tunes supplied by Marcus Timpson, playing in the background. I would also like to acknowledge all the help that Sean provided us, with not only set up on Saturday, but also clean up on Sunday. It was extremely kind of him and saved us an enormous amount of time and work. Julie and Michelle, as always, were able to assist the S&F committee with a host of jobs which was very much appreciated.
The P&F would like to sincerely thank everyone who could make it, along with those who couldn’t but were still kind enough to make a donation, as our fundraising efforts are being put towards our forthcoming bush classroom, new instruments for our Year 2 and Year 5 classes next year and a new freezer for the Tuckshop.
We had an excellent AGM on Monday 28 October for our last P&F meeting of the year. The committee for next year was voted in and will include Martin Herbst as VP, Collette Middleton staying on as Secretary, Leearna Plank joining us as Treasurer and myself. I can’t thank Daniel Chippeck enough for his dedication and assistance as Treasurer over the last 3 years and also to Caroline Forsyth for her commitment and input as VP for the last 12 months. Chris also gave us an excellent update on the Parent Survey that was conducted and NAPLAN results for years 3 and 5.
Our Office Bearers are now all in place for 2014, although we are still looking for some parents, from Year 3 2014 and up next year, to join our Sports Committee. Giles Bourne and Marcus Timpson are happily staying on, but could do with some assistance. If you are interested or would like some more details about what this entails please contact either Giles, Marcus or myself.
I would like to thank all our Office Bearers for 2014 for taking on their respective roles and also those who volunteer in the classrooms, Prep Shop and Tuckshop.
I would like to highlight our Prep Shop committee of Rebecca L’Orange, Stephanie Danks and Maria Dickinson, who put in an enormous amount of work and time. Bec and Steph are making a point of sorting out the shop to ensure it runs as smoothly as possible, which is not always easy with supplier changes etc and I thank them for their efforts. They also couldn’t do it without the help of all the volunteers who give up their time to assist in the shop, within and out of hours.
As you may be aware the School is holding a thank you breakfast on Friday 8 November which is to primarily thank any parents who are able to take time out of their busy lives to help out at school. I do hope that those of you who volunteer in any capacity, whether it’s reading groups, Tuckshop etc., class parents etc. will be able to come along.
Kindest Regards
Judy Ryan
P&F President