31 Oct 2013

Term Dates 2013

Term 4

Tuesday 8 October to Thursday 5 December (9 weeks)

Sports Shorts


Sports reports can now be found on Spaces


Camp Australia – After School Care

Casual Bookings

Booking in advance of your child’s attendance is vital to ensure that we provide adequate staff ratios. You can book online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the Parent Portal.  Bookings can also be made with less than 48 hours’ notice by calling the Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 between 8am and 6pm Eastern Standard Time.

Bookings may be changed or cancelled with 7 days’ notice.  Booking cancellations with less than 7 days’ notice will incur the session charge, less Child Care Benefit and the Child Care Rebate.

A Message from Mr Wyatt

Year 6 PYP Exhibition

Over the last 4 ½ years the teachers have been working to implement the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Programme (PYP) at Lindfield. In essence, the PYP is a framework that encourages the development of all necessary basic skills and provides students with opportunities to see the natural connections that exist between key learning areas. The PYP also allows us to focus on developing young learners that reflect the attributes of the learner profile; inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective.

Over the last four years we have noticed a distinct difference in these quality of the boys. This has been seen in the quality of their questions, their lateral thinking, their ability to communicate their understanding and their desire to do something with their learning. As such, it was timely to conduct our first PYP Exhibition with this year’s Year 6 Class.

Over the course of approximately 7 weeks, the Year 6 Class conducted an inquiry into the Central Idea; “Finding solutions to human made issues can lead to new beginnings’. This central idea was developed by the boys after some initial brainstorming and discussion about the Sharing the Planet theme.

The Exhibition requires the boys to investigate a local issue using primary sources (real people, places and things) and to propose a possible solution.

In small groups, our boys chose the following local issues to investigate; shark finning, asylum seekers, bullying, racism, over-population, cyber bullying, homelessness, coral bleaching, sweat-shops, and rubbish.

On the evening, we were privileged to hear a group of passionate and committed young men confidently discuss these issues and share their learning. Those that attended were struck by the level of knowledge and the maturity of the boys, particularly given the complex nature of the issues that they had chosen. The boys proposed solutions were thought-provoking and challenging and many of the visitors left still wrestling with an appropriate response.

On the evening, I had a conversation with one of our parents who had previously asked about the preparation our boys receive for High School. I am certain that by the end of the evening, everyone in attendance had no doubts about how well prepared our boys are, not only for High School, but also for life.


Communication about learning – Spaces, Class Blogs and Prep Talk

In response to feedback received through the recent Parent Survey, we have conducted a review of our communication systems, particularly in relation to sharing the boys’ learning with parents.

As a result, we will be providing the following regular updates through Spaces, the Class Blogs and through a revamped Prep Talk.

Spaces – each week, teachers will provide a summary of the learning for the coming week. This will include specific details about learning goals for each key learning area so that parents can feel comfortable about what their son is learning and be able to discuss this with him in the coming week.

Class Blogs – some classes have already begun using the Class Blogs, and this will increase in the future. The Class Blogs will be used to highlight examples of the learning from each class each week. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but instead to provide a snapshot of the classroom.

Prep Talk – we are planning to publish Prep Talk less often and to make each edition more succinct. Some of the material that has previously been in Prep Talk will be put on Spaces, allowing Prep Talk to be more punchy and focused on major school events and the boys’ learning.

If you have any feedback about these changes please let me know.


Reporting Discussion Workshop

Some parents commented that there was too much reporting, others suggested there wasn’t enough. It is difficult to find a balance.

Over the last few years we have adjusted our reporting processes to provide regular and varied means of reporting. The purpose of this is to paint a complete picture as it impossible to produce one report that captures all of a boy’s learning in a meaningful way.

As a result we now provide the following forms of reporting to parents;

  • Every 6 weeks we send home the boys’ Unit of Inquiry book along with a Unit Reflection completed by the teacher and another completed by the student.
  • Every 12 weeks we send home a Learning Portfolio that contains a piece of work from each strand of each Key Learning Area. The purpose of this is to show the boys’ growth over time as previous samples within the portfolio can be compared.
  • Every semester we provide a comprehensive report that contains a summary of the intended learning, areas of growth and development achieved and areas for future growth and development. The purpose of these bullet points is to provide specific, individualized feedback about what each boys has achieved in the previous semester and what the specific next steps are for him in his learning journey. There is also a comment about social development and overall growth.

Whilst we are pleased with the current reporting package and feel it provides a balanced and comprehensive picture of each boy and his learning, we are open to feedback. As a result, we will be conducting a special Parent Workshop focusing on Reporting to unpack the above package and to discuss it in further depth. This will be held on Thursday 14 November from 8:00am in The Lookout.

Maths Day

Last Friday, it was absolutely wonderful to listen to boys who were so engaged, excited and interested in this year’s Maths Day.  The boys had the opportunity to be taught by many of the Lindfield staff in team-teaching situations as they moved around the school experiencing many different mathematical activities and games.

Maths Day for our boys included orienteering, mathematical art inspired by either Reg Mombossa or Picasso, measurement fun in real life situations, mathematical games, problem solving activities and a hands-on incursion run by ‘Professor Maths’. This years Maths Day culminated in the boys 150th day of school for Newington College’s Sesquicentenary.

Thank you boys for your enthusiastic approach to this years Maths Day!


Mr Weekes
Teaching & Learning Team Leader


Tuckshop News

The Spring/Summer Menu is under way, please check current menu for meals available and current prices.  Remember, Sushi is now a meal special on Tuesdays – choices are Teriyaki Chicken, Tuna or Vegetarian (Avocado and Cucumber) for $3.00 each.

The old freezer finally gasped and chugged its last noisy farewell a week ago – when the new freezer is installed, a yummy pie and sausage roll supplier is going to deliver to us. Miss Smallhorn has been the official taster of the new product and gives it her approval. The price will remain the same.

The Salvation Army at Chatswood takes donated food items and has offered thanks for a 5Kg carton of bacon rashers that were left over from the Fathers’ Day Breakfast. They will offer it to kids on the street at their community BBQ held in Chatswood on Thursday nights.

Thanks again, to all the wonderful volunteers who keep me from complete chaos in the Tuck Shop.

Kathryn Nordstorm 
Tuckshop Manager 

Faith Matters

Children on the Meaning of Love

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, “What does love mean?”

The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

“When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.”  (Rebecca- age 8)

“When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.  You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.” (Billy – age 4)

“Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.” (Terri – age 4)

“Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.” (Bobby – age 7)

“If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.”  (Nikka – age 6)

“When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.” (Karen – age 7)

And the final one — Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge.  The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.  The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.  Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman’s yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, “Nothing, I just helped him cry”

Mr Peter Morphew
School Chaplain 

French Day

Bonjour tout le monde!

La journée française 2013, c’était fantastique! On Tuesday the school enjoyed an exciting and colourful day of French learning at the school’s annual French Day. All the boys dressed in bleu, blanc and rouge and it was fun to see them in French costumes, hats and twirly moustaches too. The school was draped with French flags and decorated with posters, bunting and balloons. There were lots of French activities for the boys to enjoy including: a French film screening of Le ballon rouge, a pétanque competition and French cricket, painting in Art and French songs in music and even some disco dancing.

The students were very excited to eat some French food too. They learned how to make crêpes and had the chance fill their own with yummy fillings of banane, syrop and crème. They ate croissants and pain au chocolat and also had a tasty drink called diabolo menthe. In the afternoon the boys impressed us all at a special assembly which was full of songs and plays that they rehearsed in class and throughout the day.

Overall, it was a very successful day that was enjoyed by the boys, staff and parents alike. I’d like to thank everyone involved for all the hard work you put in to make this year’s French Day so fantastique! A special thank you to the parent helpers who dedicated their time and made such a wonderful contribution. Bon travail!

Mr Marco Fraietta
  K – 6 French Teacher


Year 6 Fair

After much planning and preparation, it is with great excitement and enthusiasm that the Year 6 boys will be running the annual Year 6 Fair next Friday. Following in the footsteps of previous Year 6 classes all money raised from this event will go to a relevant and worthy cause that the boys are currently deciding upon.

Activities for the boys from K–2 will be conducted from 10:30am to 11:00am (with recess starting at 10:15am). The boys from Years 3–6 will have their opportunity to enjoy this event from 1:15pm to 2pm (with the BBQ lunch starting at 1pm).

Please note that the day will be a Mufti day so the boys are to come to school in their plain clothes. Also, note that if your son would like to go on the water slide they will need to bring their swimming costume, a rash vest and a towel.

Posters promoting each individual activity have been placed around the school for both parents and students to read. This year’s activities include: Wacky Water Slide, Splash’Em and Wet’Em (sponge throwing), Crazy Hair / Balloon Making, Minute to Win It Challenges, Cupcake Creations (cupcake decorating), Haunted House, Blindfolded Tip, Water Games and Soccer Goal Shooting.

There’s no doubt that the day will be a huge success and a lot of fun!

The Year 6 boys would like to thank all the Lindfield boys and their parents for their support of this great event and very worthwhile cause.

Mr Pascal Czerwenka and the Year 6 boys.

P&F News

Dear Lindfield Community

What a fantastic night it was on Saturday night, for those of you who could make the P&F Fundraiser for 2013.  The Social and Fundraising Committee, chaired by Melissa Hunter and including Penny Whiteing, Susan Liu, Rhoda MacCulloch, Jules Ashworth, Kim Stevens, Adele Fourie, Collette Middleton, Erica Berkovich  and Andjana Pachkova put together an outstanding evening.  With lovely wine, food and a great atmosphere on the Basketball Court, it was a great time with everyone mingling together along with the Newington Staff and their respective wives and husbands.  Giles Bourne and Richard Forsyth must also be acknowledged for conducting a very relaxed auction, which was highly successful.  A big thank you as well to Mr C, who very kindly sorted out our sound system, so we could have the tunes supplied by Marcus Timpson, playing in the background.  I would also like to acknowledge all the help that Sean provided us, with not only set up on Saturday, but also clean up on Sunday.  It was extremely kind of him and saved us an enormous amount of time and work.  Julie and Michelle, as always, were able to assist the S&F committee with a host of jobs which was very much appreciated.

The P&F would like to sincerely thank everyone who could make it, along with those who couldn’t but were still kind enough to make a donation, as our fundraising efforts are being put towards our forthcoming bush classroom, new instruments for our Year 2 and Year 5 classes next year and a new freezer for the Tuckshop.

We had an excellent AGM on Monday 28 October for our last P&F meeting of the year.  The committee for next year was voted in and will include Martin Herbst as VP, Collette Middleton staying on as Secretary, Leearna Plank joining us as Treasurer and myself.  I can’t thank Daniel Chippeck enough for his dedication and assistance as Treasurer over the last 3 years and also to Caroline Forsyth for her commitment and input as VP for the last 12 months.  Chris also gave us an excellent update on the Parent Survey that was conducted and NAPLAN results for years 3 and 5.

Our Office Bearers are now all in place for 2014, although we are still looking for some parents, from Year 3 2014 and up next year, to join our Sports Committee.  Giles Bourne and Marcus Timpson are happily staying on, but could do with some assistance. If you are interested or would like some more details about what this entails please contact either Giles, Marcus or myself.

I would like to thank all our Office Bearers for 2014 for taking on their respective roles and also those who volunteer in the classrooms, Prep Shop and Tuckshop.

I would like to highlight our Prep Shop committee of Rebecca L’Orange, Stephanie Danks and Maria Dickinson, who put in an enormous amount of work and time.  Bec and Steph are making a point of sorting out the shop to ensure it runs as smoothly as possible, which is not always easy with supplier changes etc and I thank them for their efforts.  They also couldn’t do it without the help of all the volunteers who give up their time to assist in the shop, within and out of hours.

As you may be aware the School is holding a thank you breakfast on Friday 8 November which is to primarily thank any parents who are able to take time out of their busy lives to help out at school.  I do hope that those of you who volunteer in any capacity, whether it’s reading groups, Tuckshop etc., class parents etc.  will be able to come along.

Kindest Regards


Judy Ryan
P&F President

Music Notes

Re-enrolment for Instrumental Lesson for 2014
If you are learning an instrument this year from a private teacher and you wish to continue, you will need to fill in a Music Tuition form. There are forms available in the School Office or please fill out the form here.

String Concert
On Tuesday 12 November there is a String Concert beginning at 5:00pm in the Don Brown Hall. All boys in Years 2, 3 and the String Ensemble will be performing. It is listed in the calendar. It is a lovely performance showing the progress that the boys have made this year. We look forward to seeing you.

Wind and Brass Concert
On Thursday 14 November there is a similar concert for all the wind and brass players. It begins at 5:00pm in the Don Brown Hall. All boys in Years 4 , 5 and the School Band will be performing. We look forward to seeing you at this.

Christmas Concert
The annual Lindfield Christmas Concert will be taking place on November 20, beginning at 6:00pm.  All boys will be performing in it.  Please bring a picnic rug and some snacks,  it is a lovely family affair.  More information will be sent home about this shortly.

Mrs Vanessa South
Music Teacher


Prep Shop

The Prep Shop is open on Mondays from 3.00pm – 3.45pm and Wednesdays from 8.00am – 8.45am.

Summer Shirts, Shorts, Swimmers and Rashies are now in stock. Large Sun hats and ties also in stock.

Week 5 Roster

Monday 4 November 3.00pm – 3.45pm
Susan Gerahty
Lisa Munckton

Wednesday 6 November 8.00am – 8.45am
Joanne Nelson
Maria Dickinson


Week 6 Roster

Monday 11 November 3.00pm – 3.45pm
Susan James-Allen
Jemima Moody

Wednesday 13 November 8.00am – 8.45am
Robyn McGowan
Sing Sing Wan