Year 5 – How We Organise Ourselves
Over the past 6 weeks, Year 5 have been exploring the concepts of Form, Causation and Responsibility through the central idea – Structures and functions of organisations are created to support and enrich communities.
To guide our inquiry, we have examined the needs of communities; the structure and functions of different organisations, both local and global and the impact and effect that actions can have on communities.
The boys have embraced the unit, showing great enthusiasm to find the relevance that such an idea has in their own lives. Their existing knowledge and understanding was impressive but they found that there was so much more to discover. They have been collaborative and willing to listen to each other’s points of view.
Part of this journey has allowed the boys to investigate Non-Government Organisations and determine how they meet the needs of communities. They gathered information, presented their findings and became more informed members of their own community.
As the unit draws to a close, the boys have taken the knowledge and understanding that they gathered and are taking it a step further. They have decided upon a need that a community could have and will create their organisation that will help meet that need. In line with the concepts and lines of inquiry, they will be including the structure of their organisation as well as what impact or effect it is meant to have within this community.
We can’t wait to see the end results of their endeavours.
Mr Edwards and Mr Weekes
(Year 5 Class Teachers)