A Message from Mr Holden
Dear Parents,
I hope you had the chance to take a bit of a break during the recent holiday period and that boys are ready for our busy Semester 2 at Wyvern.
Building Works Update
There are 4 elements to the Wyvern building program all to be completed before the end of the academic year. They are:
- 60 place Early Leaning Centre for 3 and 4 Year olds,
- New Year 6 Centre,
- Science / STEM room,
- Major hall upgrade including music facilities.
I met with the builders over the holiday period who informed me that to be certain of finishing the projects by the end of the year they need to start work on elements 3 and 4 straight away. This is somewhat earlier than expected, however to make up time on the project and to guarantee that the builders finish by end of 2017 we have needed to bring forward certain elements of the works. In my view, much better to have some pain now rather than at the start of 2018.
Hence there will be some disruption to certain areas of the school as follows from Term 3 onwards:
- Work has started in the hall and as a result the hall size has been reduced. We anticipate that most before school and after school music groups will still go ahead as normal in Term 3, but it is likely that we relocate these activities to the secondary campus from Term 4. The music department will send further information in due course. As we can no longer fit large numbers of boys in the hall we be holding Year 3-6 Chapel in the secondary campus’ Chapel every second week on Tuesdays. We will hold Year Group assemblies on a regular basis for Years 3-6 and will hold our major assemblies (Poetry Performance, Sports Awards, etc.) at the secondary campus. K-2 Chapel and assembly will go ahead as normal.
- As building work will commence in the four Year 6 classrooms for the new STEM room, music group rooms and boarding facility upgrade, these classrooms will be relocated to the secondary campus from the middle of this term. The plan is for Year 6 classes to return to Wyvern for some specialist lessons.
Whilst I acknowledge the disruption to some areas of the school, we are working very hard to ensure that our normal lessons and activities go ahead as planned. I will update you throughout the term of any further developments and on the progress of the project.
Ian Holden
Head of Wyvern House