Year 5 Camp Out
All of Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed (and survived) the first milestone of the year – the Year 5 Camp Out.
After carrying their supplies for the night from Wyvern, the boys relished the opportunity to have a splash in the pool and play some games. Later in the day, in collaboration with students from the Newington Challenge Program, boys were involved in team building exercises. These activities included ‘Capturing the Flag’ and ‘The Human Knot’.
The boys soon learned that tent building is hungry work and tucked in to a BBQ dinner, demolishing almost 200 sausages between them. Thank you to Mrs Churchin and Mr Jones for cooking.
The fun did not end there. The boys watched ‘Paddington’ in Old Boys’ Lecture Theatre, participated in sports and games and ended the experience with an amazing dance activity – thank you Mr MacRae!
The boys’ ‘Newington Values’ and ‘Wyvern Spirit’ were on show for the two days. We witnessed kindness, friendship and responsibility in abundance. Well done, boys!
We extend a warm thank you to all teachers who made this two day camp a success, and the Newington Challenge boys and Senior School staff for their expertise and time. A special mention to those who braved the outdoors and stayed the night – Mr MacRae, Mrs Kirk, Mr Suillivan, Ms Vuong and Miss Leontios. It has been heralded a Year 5 highlight already!
Rachael Dillon
Year 5 Team Leader