Year 3 Sleepover 2016
All of Year 3 enjoyed their annual Sleepover last week on Thursday and Friday, 25th and 26th February. Who wouldn’t enjoy it, with swimming, cricket, dancing, empty playgrounds, afternoon tea, morning tea, pizza, ice blocks and a movie on the agenda?
Although the day was set to be a scorcher with the mercury rising in the late 30’s, we found a way to endure it by hitting the pool at the Senior School and having a relaxing afternoon tea. Following this, many team building activities were arranged for the boys to rotate and work through – aimed at establishing and maintaining quality and lasting relationships.
With an appetite, the boys (and teachers) lined up to attempt to make a dent in the pizza stack. We are unsure whether it was the food coma brought on from the pizza, or the exhausting and tiring activities that was the catalyst, but it didn’t take long for the majority of the boys to fall asleep – some before the movie had even started.
After packing up their own beds and bags in the morning, the boys were treated to a healthy breakfast before school officially began for the day.
The boys and their parents should be very proud of the behaviour and manners of the boys as they supported each other and the staff during the event.
An enormous thank you to all the staff who volunteered over the 2 days to make the 2016 Year 3 Sleepover a huge success, providing us all with many memories! A special mention to Miss Brown, Mr MacRae, Mr Jensen and Mr Jesserun who stayed the night.
Hugh Scott
Year 3 Team Leader