05 May 2016

Have You Forgotten to Place a Lunch Order?

Dear Parents,

When ordering your son’s recess/lunch orders online please ensure that you do this before the cut-off time of 8.45am each day to ensure that your son gets his lunch order. If you order after the cut-off time of 8.45am his order will not be processed.

Please note that no late orders will be accepted by the Tuckshop and no money will be loaned out. There are no exceptions.

In the event that your son does not have any lunch or recess with him he will be given a sandwich/es of either vegemite, jam or cheese. These sandwiches are free of charge.

Thank you for your consideration and attention to this matter.

Kind regards

Wyvern Office

Newington, Wyvern House

115 Cambridge Street
Stanmore NSW 2048
+61 2 9568 9444


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