17 Jul 2014

K-2 Father and Son Camp

Bookings are now open for the 2014 K-2 Father & Son Camp which will be held at YMCA Camp Yarramundi on 22-24 August, 2014.

YMCA Yarramundi is 80 minutes west of Sydney and caters for a variety of interests. The fun will include archery, rock climbing, canoeing, giant swing, cave maze and plenty of space for the boys to run around ‘freestyle’.For more information visit http://www.ymcansw.org.au/centres/ymca-camping/camp-yarramundi

The cost of the weekend is $170 for adults and $145 for the boys, and includes two nights accommodation, all meals and activities (which are instructor-led).

You can only reserve your spot with an online payment by following these instructions:

1. Go to www.newington.nsw.edu.au/payments

2. Select ‘click here to make a payment’

3. Select ‘Parents & Friends Wyvern K-6’

4. Select ‘K-2 Father & Son Camp’ from the purpose/event name drop down field and complete the form.

NB: the name entered in the “Family Name” field must be the name of the father/carer attending the camp.

Bookings close on 8 August, 2014 and after this date refunds for cancelled bookings will not be possible.

Please complete the attached medical consent forms and return to the front office or email to cmina@reality-check.com.au by 8 August, 2014. The forms are used to note emergency contacts, dietary requirements and other special requests and completion is required to help manage participants’ health and safety.

This camp is organised by parents for parents. If you can assist in any way email: Costa Mina on cmina@reality-check.com.au.



Newington, Wyvern House

115 Cambridge Street
Stanmore NSW 2048
+61 2 9568 9444


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