Kitchen Garden
In the busy lives we all lead it’s nice to be able to take time to tend to simple things like plants and watch them grow. The Kitchen Garden has been a lovely resource for lots of boys this year. There are some budding green thumbs at Wyvern with boys taking real ownership in the Garden and enjoying cooking, eating and taking home produce. We’ve grown everything from pumpkins to peas, beans, lettuces, asparagus, radishes, corn, tomatoes, eggplant, Brussels sprouts, onions, carrots, cucumbers, rhubarb, strawberries, citrus fruits and a variety of herbs.
The boys are given jobs including removing spent plants, turning soil, planting seeds and seedlings, staking plants, weeding, feeding our worms, fertilizing, mulching and watering, though the absolute favourite of course is harvesting! We’ve had cook ups using garden produce and the boys all sit around the frypan taking turns moving things around the pan (imagine that at home) and then eat what they’ve grown (yes, even the green bits). They even clean up afterwards! The support of dedicated teachers like Mrs Bradford and Mr Pollard has been the key to its success.
Kitchen Garden meets every second Friday at lunch time and we need a few parent volunteers to help make 2013 another bountiful year. You don’t need any particular gardening knowledge, just a desire to work with the boys and enjoy 45 minutes in the outdoors. The enthusiasm and positivity of the boys is fantastic and you can be part of helping this great resource evolve. If you would like to get involved or know more, phone Nicole Hawick on 0418 652 233.