15 Sep 2017


What’s happening in your P&F and Committees?

What a great couple of months we’ve had!  The school community has been so busy with some wonderful events taking place.

It has been a pleasure to work with so many of our parents, who have stepped up, pitched in and hosted these memorable events.

In addition, our valuable stable of Prep Shop, Tuckshop and Class volunteers have been regularly committing, week in and week out to ensure we are able to provide our continued services to the boys.

Thank you, thank you, thank you – we are incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful school community at Lindfield.

Mini Olympics

Our Mini Olympics event this year was again such a memorable day for our students and staff.  We welcomed back the team from Special Olympics Australia and shared a fantastic day together, enjoying each other’s company and participating in some great sports challenges.

The athletes and participants from Special Olympics Australia are so positive and truly inspiring.  They really enjoy spending the day with our boys and are always so grateful for the funds we raise for their program.  Thank you again everyone for participating and assisting to raise a whopping $12,882 for this worthwhile cause.

Back to Newington Day

There was community, sport, sunshine, stalls and fantastic food on offer at Back to Newington Day.  Our Lindfield ball sports stall was pumping with lots of kids stepping up to take part.  Thank you everyone who came along and to those who helped on the day.  The Sports Committee did a wonderful job and raised $1,084.

Sports BBQ’s

It was a “bumper” year on our Winter Sports BBQ this year.  Once again, our fabulous Sports Committee donned their aprons, grabbed their tongs and cooked up a storm feeding the whole Koola Park sports community. 

Thank you so much to our Sports Committee for your commitment each week and to all the volunteers who helped out.  The BBQ is so much more than just providing food, and your continued enthusiasm and smiling faces are a great way for Newington to be present in the community.

Our record-breaking tally for funds raised was $7,929 – well done!

What has the P&F contributed to our school community this year?

As promised, the P&F are pleased to have contributed the following to assist our boys:

  1. The iPad keyboards for the touch-typing program are now up and running
  2. An additional paid volunteer for approximately 3 hours a week in the tuckshop
  3. The plan development and testing of flexible learning space furniture
  4. Co-curricular programs, such as chess and drama

As always, if any parents have ideas for how funds might be distributed and used, please let us know.

What’s coming Up?

  • Don’t miss out on our end of year event on Saturday 28 October 2017. It will be held offsite this year at North Sydney Oval. We invite you to our “N” festival and look forward to seeing everyone there from 7:00pm.
  • Purchase your tickets online before Friday 13 October: https://www.newington.nsw.edu.au/online-payments/ – click on Events, Excursions & Activities.
  • Our P&F Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday night, 7 November 2017. Come and share a drink and nibbles with us to mark the end of another great year.

Prep Shop Update

Thanks to the volunteers who helped with stocktake last week.  They did an amazing job of counting and stock changeover, we are now selling summer uniform in the Prep Shop.

Please be advised that basketball singlets will not be sold until Ms Monaghan has trialled the boys for teams in Week 10.  We need to organise the numbers on singlets so that no two boys have the same number in one team for penalty purposes. Please put your order form in when you know that your son will be playing basketball and indicate which team, if possible, and I will be better able to organise numbers.

We have plenty of stock for swimming jammers at present, but please do get in early if you are interested in purchasing these, as I understand some sizes sold out fast last year. We have ordered according to last year’s sales, but they may sell twice as fast if word gets around!

We do have plenty of standard swimmers (briefs) in stock, so they are always a good back-up plan and preferred by some. Other than that, all items are in stock and easily available for purchase.

Pippa Dorricott, Prep Shop Manager


Tuckshop Update

Many thanks to all our wonderful volunteers – without you the Tuckshop would not function.  A special thanks goes to the two Yr3 mums who are volunteering almost every week.

Also, many thanks to the Yr6 mum who donated three new Newington Aprons, you must come and check them out, they look great!

In Term 4 there will be a new vegetarian pasta option added to the menu.

We are always looking for volunteers so why not send me an email to signup for a shift next term? This will be the last chance for the Yr6 parents! lindfieldtuckshop@newington.nsw.edu.au

Cheryll Clark, Tuckshop Manage


Committee Members Contact Details

The P&F Executive Committee welcomes your involvement … please contact us if you have questions or suggestions for our Lindfield campus or would like to get more involved.

Places still to be filled for next year are President, Vice President and Secretary.  We would love to hear from you asap if you can help.

Julianne Ashworth – President

M: 0411 047 816 – E: jcashworth@vbmglobal.com

Susie Martin – Vice President

M: 0404 303 877 – E: preston_susie@hotmail.com

Vicky Sharp – Secretary

M: 0414 946 134  – E: vixsharp29@gmail.com

Sylvia Chen – Treasurer

M: 0406 558 332 – E: joy_syl@hotmail.com


Thank you again

Julianne Ashworth – P&F President




26 Northcote Road
Lindfield NSW 2070
+61 2 9416 4280


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