The Exhibition 2017
The Exhibition is the destination of the learning journey through the PYP for students in a PYP school. It is an event that occurs each year in all PYP schools and is the culmination of an 8-week unit of inquiry. The difference from other units of inquiry is the presentation to the wider community of the learning that has taken place throughout this time.
Our Year 6 students began the exhibition process with explorations into issues that are present in our world and of interest to them. Analysing the Transdisciplinary Theme (How we express ourselves), developing a central idea, determining conceptual questions that would become the focus of the inquiry and creating lines of inquiry to help guide understanding of focus issues and, consequently, the central idea, started the ball rolling in this focused time of learning and presentation.
Throughout the 8 weeks, teachers and mentors assisted the students to source information from many places using their skills of formulating questions, note taking and academic honesty to find current thinking and draw conclusions about their issue. Working collaboratively to synthesise their new and prior knowledge as well as determining ways action can be taken, the 15 groups focused their learning on:
- aesthetic value of/in nature
- alternative energy sources
- equality
- beliefs shaping action
- environmental activism
- extremism
- treatment of animals
- how climate change is viewed by people
- pushing agendas and perspectives about global warming
- ideas are shaped by community values
- propaganda
- music therapy
- perspectives on the treatment of animals
- values impact political decisions
- why religion is so misunderstood
The students of Year 6 presented their research findings into these issues at the annual PYP Exhibition on Tuesday evening. The event showcased the student’s knowledge and understanding of the issue and also the skills, attitudes and learner profiles that they developed over the course of the unit.
Mrs Sue Gough – Teacher/Librarian/PYP Co-ordinator