Full College Instrumental Stocktake
During week 8 of this term, the Music Department will be undertaking a complete stocktake of all instruments owned by the College.
If you have a borrowed, loaned, or even think you have a Newington instrument, we ask that you bring it to the music department during these two weeks, to be sighted, have its condition checked, and cross-check it with our system. Boys are to bring their instrument at the start of the day and can pick their instrument up in the afternoon.
For Wyvern, this stocktake will be taking place on Friday 13th September. Instruments are to be taken to the Wyvern Hall.
Please bring your child’s instrument in at the start of the day and pick it up in the afternoon. If your child has a lesson during the day, please mention this as you drop off their instrument in the morning, and they can pick it up from the Music Department before their lesson.
If you have a Newington Instrument assigned to you on our system and do not bring it in, you will be invoiced the cost of a replacement instrument. Hire fees will be waived if the instrument is in arrears.
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Isaacs – Performing Arts Administrator
e: sisaacs@newington.nsw.edu.au ph: 9568 9324