Courtesy Reminder to Year 6 Wyvern families continuing to Year 7 2020 at Stanmore
Dear Year 6 Wyvern families,
On the 31 October, an email was sent to all Wyvern families (both contacts) who are continuing to Stanmore in 2020. It introduced a special SPACE called Welcome Year 7 2020 containing information to prepare you and your sons for a smooth transition to Year 7. A number of Wyvern families did not receive it. We are not sure why this occurred and apologise for the inconvenience. Please click on the link below to access the information and submit the required forms no later than Wednesday 20 November.
(for those families who did receive this information and have already submitted forms, no further action or resubmission is required.)
I look forward to meeting you on Monday 18 November at the Parent Information Evening.
Kind regards
Yvonne Kaloterakis
Director of Admissions